
Elizabeth Levering
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Krienen-Griffith Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Trees

Rich Levring Jr, Alesha Jenkins and children
Dearest sweet Mom, You are dearly loved and deeply missed, this memorial tree is being planted for the 87th celebration of your birthday on February 26th. You are the matriarch of our family tree, gently touching and bringing forth so much life. You set such a wonderful example for a joyful life with your passion for growing plants, trees, flowers, animals, children essentially anything with a chance to grow strong roots and reach for the sun and to spread more seeds of the Love you were sowing. Your gardening, caregiving and planting Love was symbolic of your pure hearted intentions for shining Light with devotion on every living being to cross your path. Nurturing us to grow, sheltering us from the frost, pulling the weeds, showering our hearts’ thirst for motherly encouragement and faith that we could also bloom. I feel so blessed to have had an absolute Angel among us, restoring my hope in fulfilling God’s purpose;then, making this world a better place to be. Without slowing you gave us a close look at the infinite Joy that is possible in our journey, if we always have wide open arms, hearts, minds and souls, The unconditional love and acceptance of all our family and all people who you felt needed your angelic wing for a warmth and healing in order to thrive, that unique kind of illuminance felt like divine inspiration! You’re always near; we feel your guidance and protection, both in periods of happiness or hurt. You are the flame to many candles yet lit or temporarily snuffed; the rediscovered love that healed our hearts and imprinted grace on our souls forevermore.. I have gained appreciation of the endless affection with the blind eye to so many misgivings, I am much more mindful to what you lovingly endured in silence. Understanding that you gave past your ability day after day has taught me to soften to the misgivings of others and practice loving acceptance of all things out of my hands that had hardened my hopes and dreams. The days of all loving, selfless, forgiving and gracious generosity of your time nurturing us through our last days and nights with you is a true model for a beautifully spent life on earth! We aspire to emulate your kind and compassionate way of joyfully caring for every life within reach and to keep reaching farther. To live in love and spreading that love far and wide without expectations of recognition. You continue to give us a true reason to Honor you by living with Love from above!. In our life we love and adore you more as we practice your ways. The hardest days are brightened by flame you re-ignited! You unquestionably exemplified a gratefully loving woman! Mom, we hope we make you and all we hold high proud! Words can never express the magnitude of what you have done in and for our lives. With love and gratitude always for being our joyful mother, Rich & Alesha
2019-02-17 22:04:15 View on memorial website

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